Courteney & Aaron’s wedding miraculously went ahead on their original chosen July 2020 date, just 5 days after the first lockdown was eased. They were so keen to get married they held out, crossing fingers and trying to remain positive they could become husband & wife! Phew!
It was the first time i’d ventured out of my town and the first time driving any significant distance since March 2020, it was a rather strange experience joining the world once again to make the journey to Telford.
I first met Courteney when she was around 8 years old – her Mum was in my photography class at university and we quickly became friends. I tried not to feel too old when she got in touch about booking me for her wedding!
With a small amount of guests, and a huge amount of love surrounding them, Courteney & Aaaron said their vows and had a cracking wee celebration with their loved ones.
Here’s the highlights of their special wedding day:
A huge congratulations to the new Mr & Mrs C!
All images and text copyright Katie Byram Photography